Terms & conditions of use of this website

All the views, opinions and advice offered or inferred within this web site are those of ECHA MICROBIOLOGY LTD and are believed to be correct according to the state of the art and best practice at the time of compilation. ECHA MICROBIOLOGY LTD will not be held responsible for actions taken, loss, damage or injury incurred as a result of using our test kits or acting on information obtained within these web pages.

The test kits offered are designed to detect groups of microorganisms of industrial significance although there may be some microorganisms present which are not detected by the tests, for example those which grow best at unusually high or low temperatures. The results of these tests only relate to the sample tested and not necessarily to the whole system sampled. The validity of samples and the interpretation of test results are the responsibility of the test user and not ECHA Microbiology Ltd. Test kits are for use only according to the instructions issued or as varied by written agreement with ECHA. They are not designed for drug, houshold or other use.In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 the written consent of ECHA Microbiology Ltd must be obtained before reproducing and or publishing any part of the content of this web site.

Use of this website signifies that you accept these terms and conditions of use.



ECHA are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect about you to process orders and to provide a more tailored service.

What do we do with the information we collect?

When you order, we need to know your name, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, delivery address, invoicing address and number of test kits that you wish to order. This allows us to process, price and fulfil your order as well as notify you of your order status.

We will need to divulge some of this information to our carrier to fulfil your order request.

If when registering you opt to receive our Newsletter, we may from time to time contact you using the details you have provided, to inform you about product developments, echa services and technical information which we think may be of interest.

If you wish to change or delete any of the personal information you have entered whilst visiting our site, please e-mail us at info@echamicrobiology.com. If you have any questions about our privacy policy please contact us at the same address.